Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Adoration Activity

I don't think reading during Adoration is wrong, by any means, but I've felt increasingly odd lately about it. Why? I feel like I am ignoring Jesus. If He were sitting in front of me in the flesh, I certainly would not be reading a book; I'd be talking to Him. Actually, I'd probably be flat on my face, wordless in fear and awe. So, why read in His Presence? He's still there, looking at me.

Last time I went I brought some cross stitch with me. It was very peaceful and I could 'talk' more easily without getting distracted, bored or fidgety.

What do you think? What do you do during Adoration?

1 comment:

Mary N. said...

That's funny that you should post that because I,too, feel odd reading during adoration. Now, I just talk with Him or just sit with Him.Like you, I feel like I'm ignoring Him when I take a book.