Monday, June 1, 2009

The Value of Life

No one has the right to deprive another of life. Each one of us, and our lives, belongs to God. God alone determines when we draw our last breath. No one who values life, from conception to natural death, would violate this by murder.

Much spin will be put on the suspect accused of murdering Tiller. Much emphasis will be made if this person considered himself to be 'pro-life'. More focus will be put on pro-life groups, even now being considered and called terrorist groups. Anything to divert the public's attention from the truth of abortion, what it does, what it is, its long term effects and how it is performed.

Much will be said about Tiller and the 'value' and 'good' he has done by murdering innocent babies by the thousands and the terrible injustice done to him and by his murder, women everywhere. That all is just blathering, posturing and hot air. Tiller was a modern day Herod, responsible for the violent slaughter of innocent life. Tiller, unless he repented in his last moments, died with innocent blood on his hands. God Himself said such blood cries out to Him from the ground.

Please pray for Tiller's soul, for his family and for the person who murdered him. Please pray for the conversion of all abortionists and for healing for all those suffering from the aftermath of an abortion.

Every life, from the most innocent in the womb to the most heinous, is precious to God and belongs to Him.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen

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